Buy, track, flex your collection like never before.

Collecting does not have to be painful and full of worry :(
We simplify your pursuits with our comprehensive database, grouped listings, and collection tracker. All in one platform.

Purchase in Shumitako

We are built for smart collectors like you

App mock up

Database for collectors

Find details of any collectible easily in our platform. We are working to provide the most comprehensive database for trading cards, figures, and other popular collectibles.


100% original

Collect without worry! All products sold in our platform are guaranteed to be 100% original. We vetted all of our distributors and resellers to ensure the originality.


Track your collections with ease

We integrate collection tracker into our database. See how far you are off from completing your amazing collection and share your achievement to your friends.

We are not just another online platform.
Take your journey to the next level with Shumitako...

Connect with like-minded collectors

Collecting is more than just acquiring items by yourself - it's about meeting with others who share the same passion and interest. Our retail shop is open every day from 11AM - 8PM.

Sell your cards in Shumitako

Got cards bulking up in your rooms? We buy selected chase cards and bulk. Provide the list of cards and their quotation. We will get back if we are interested.

Train with our community and join tournaments

We have a growing community of Pokemon TCG and One Piece Card Game players. Our players have proven themselves as one of the bests in Indonesia. Discuss meta decks, train together, and win tournaments.

We have partnered with many reputable collectible brands in the world

Get in touch with us!

We welcome future resellers, business partners, and investors. Shoot your inquiry.